Friday, March 24, 2006

All grown up?

For years now, I firmly believed in the concept of mental versus chronological age, and just as firmly believed that I was 'all grown up' despite my 'tender' years (indeed, to some people like some sister, I don't think I will EVER be an adult). But for the first time ever, I've begun to feel like I'm not as old as I should be.

Aches and pains...

Am in complete agony right now, with a sore neck that's growing into a bigger pain by expanding down my back and right hand. It's just the kind of time when I would like some soul food, a neverending massage and some lovin... guess I'll have to settle for a hot water bottle, some pain balm and a bit of self-massaging... sigh...

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Deeper and deeper...

Be warned, this is going to be a shamelessly sentimental post, but I can't ignore the most important thing in my life right now. I have to say that while I was never torn apart by never having a 'serious' boyfriend, a part of me did hope to do the whole falling-in-love bit. And guess what? The reality is every bit as delightful as I'd hoped it would be. Being in love and most importantly, knowing that you are loved back, is a wonderful feeling. There's this incredible feeling of being part of a charmed circle of two, even if you are away from the person, which really does account for the goofy smiles, walking on air feeling and all the terrible cliches that romantic novels thrive on...
But, what surprises me is that recently, while talking about my other half to my friend, I said, "I feel guilty about being so happy." This is certainly something I never expected to feel...

Friday, March 10, 2006

Bombay's foodie delights that I love - Part 1

Almond tarts at Gaylord, Churchgate
These are positively an addiction for me at times! They're flavoured with almond (no chunky pieces of almond inside them) and taste yummy both heated in a microwave or eaten cold.

Natural Ice-cream
There are several outlets all over the city, but now the closest one to me is at Inorbit Mall, so that's where I go to tuck into the fresh fruit flavours of this almost home-like ice-cream chain.

Cheesecake at Cafe Basilico, Colaba
If there is a dessert that takes you closer to heaven, let me know. Until then, you'll find me at Basilico, wolfing down their fresh fruit cheesecakes.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Go Green!

As Maharashtra apprehensively awaits a power shortage, I thought I'd post some really easy ways to save power. We should ALL be doing THIS -

Don’t leave your computer on standby. A PC left on for a year uses the same energy as an average household. Leaving the monitor on at night wastes enough power to microwave six dinners

Turn your TV and other appliances off at the mains. TV sets left on standby are still using 25 per cent of their power

Turn extra lights and fans off. It sounds self-evident, but you'll be suprised how many people don't actually do this

Accumulate washing and run a full load on your washing machine

Don't leave the refrigerator door open for a long period of time