Sunday, December 11, 2005


It's very Bridget to be sure, but I can't help recording the fact that I may just weigh 45 kgs right now. As the title indicates, I've been aiming for this milestone for a long time, ever since I was told I was 7 kgs underweight a while ago by a disapproving doctor.
Well, now with weight gain comes all the attendant problems, a (thankfully mild) obsession with trying to not lose the hard-earned weight, a rounded stomach (rather than that washboard belly all the supermodels flaunt, and a realisation that some of my clothes don't fit any more and that I should be glad of that. It's also brought home to me the fact I need to now get an exercise plan and stick to it since I seem to be winning the battle to put on weight.
Of course, if I ever bring this up among friends, I get grudging acknowledgment from some, but mostly a "don't tell me about it" vibe, since, of course, all of them are trying to lose weight, which puts me out of the sisterhood on this subject.
Which is why I've turned to this blog to record my delight. Rejoice with me.